Newfoundland, 2004
Mark Raymond

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20_moose_xing 22_salmonier_moose 25_IMG_0472_v2 26_IMG_0487_V2 27_iceberg_st-anth5
Moose Ahead! The Moose Iceberg near St. Anthony Pillars of Ice Pillars of ice 2
28_iceberg_st-anth4 29_iceberg_st-anth7 30_IMG_0492 v1 32_0375_phone pole1_USM 34_barrd_isl_trees
Pillars of ice 3 Battleship Berg Crystal Fissures Thin soil Curved Trunks
anglican_ church bonaventure bonne_bay_1_to_grosmorne2004 bonne_bay_2_overlook2004 bonne_bay_night2004
St. John's Anglican New Bonaventure Bonne Bay Partridge Berry Hill Bonne Bay at Night

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